Time: 2022/01/13The so-called capacitor is one of the three major passive components that coexist with resistors and coils. Not only are capacitors used in electrical or electronic circuits, but t...
Time: 2022/01/13As we all know, the switching power supply is the main power supply of today's information appliances, making an indelible contribution to the miniaturization and lightening of el...
Time: 2022/01/13Both X and Y capacitors are safety capacitors. The difference is that the X capacitor is connected at both ends of the input line to eliminate differential mode interference, and ...
Time: 2022/01/13The small production capacity of local enterprises, the difficulty in adjusting product structure, the difficulty in the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and the...
Time: 2022/01/131. Dielectric breakdown (not self-healing); 2. The material of the medium changes due to factors such as environment and temperature; 3, medium leakage; 4. Internal circuits an...